Multiple headers in Grid?

Hi all,

Is it possible to have 2 (or more) header rows in a grid with column data? The first row of fields sorts, the second would simply be drop down boxes.

The only reason is that I have so many columns, its stretches quite wide and I wanted to limit the width and thought if I could ‘double stack’ the headers, it could save space?



Unfortunately this feature is not available.

You may just attach a additional header row with attachHeader() method.
See the working example:

Thanks for the reply, I will see how we can work around it then!

Can anyone show me examples of grids that have lots of columns and how it might be possible to get around the issue of horizontal scrolling?


Split mode might be useful if you have a lot of columns and need some information to constantly be in view.

You may try to use column’s grouping. It is similar to some kind of tabs. Maybe it can suit you … s_grouping