Multiple lightboxes depending on event type


I have a base page, where I save a default lightbox pointer. Now, instead of lightbox I open a choice window, where one choice opens a custom window and another default lightbox.
Then I save the event. If the event was a default lightbox, I restore the lightbox function to a choice.
Now, when I want to edit a saved event, I get the coice window. I would like to get either custom window or lightbox, depending on the type of event.
Is it doable without server side, and if I need to do it server side, give me some hint, how can I make it seamlessly, without posting the whole page etc. :slight_smile:

Thank you, you have already helped me a lot.

Now, when I want to edit a saved event, I get the coice window. I would like to get either custom window or lightbox

As far as I can see it can be done without server side coding. Something similar to next

[code]var lightbox = scheduler.showLightbox;

scheduler.showLightbox = function(id){
var ev = scheduler.getEvent(id);
if (ev.some_property), id); //call default lightbox

where some_property - property which defines edit type.

I guess I need to save the property to xml or DB, to make things work after refresh or closing of browser?

Yep, sure.
Scheduler can save data back to db
( actually lot of DB types supported, not only mysql )
or back to xml file