I have a query regarding the capability of the scheduler with multiple resources.
I would like to be able to have two groups of resources, one for projects and one for staff, which would be grouped vertically along the Y axis. The following link is an example of something similar to what I would need. http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/scheduler/resources-grouping-vertical.
The difference is that I would have more resources than this. There would be approximately 20 projects and approximately 10 members of staff.
Is this possible using the dhtmlxScheduler? If it is, will the scheduler function correctly with the amount of resources that I would need to show or would it suffer from performance issues?
Do you know about Tree mode in Timeline view? docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/timel … #viewmodes
It can help you more obviously divide projects from each other. And projects will not occupy space at the left column.
If this solution doesn’t fit for you and you want place projects on Y axis, please let me know about and I will try to provide you a workaround.
As for perfomance issue, such number of projects and members of staff should not be a problem.
Also it’s possible to show time only on X axis (if it’s enough for you) and use different settings for Timeline scle to display various time ranges: docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/snippet/3bfd5113
The timeline view corresponds to your requirement because there you can show projects and staff on the Y-scale, and also configure the time range on X-scale in different ways. Please check properties if the createTimelineView method to understand how to do it.
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