I m using the standard version of dhtmlxgrid .I m able to populate the data in the grid without any issues , but when it comes to selecting a row , i m facing an issue.
For Example :
Select 1st row of the grid , the selected row will be highlighted.
When i select the 3rd row , the 3rd row also gets selected, at the sametime , even the previously selected row (1st row) remains selected.
I wish to have only single row selection.For this, i used mygrid.enableMultiselect(false);. It doesnt seem to work with this.
Kindly help me in this issue.
Thanks in advance…
>>When i select the 3rd row , the 3rd row also gets selected, at the
sametime , even the previously selected row (1st row) remains selected.
Please be sure that all rows in grid has unique IDs, similar problem may occur in case of non-unique IDs in grid
>>I wish to have only single row selection.For this, i used mygrid.enableMultiselect(false);
The single selection mode is enabled by default, it doesn’t require any additional commands