I have an question about the onDragIn event and multiple selection. I know you have changed your event system, adding addEvent or attachEvent, but I’m not ready to update the dhtmlXtree sw yet.
Therefor I am wondering if you could help me with the following problem
I am using the onDragIn handler to reject or accept nodes dragged into a tree. My callback function gets the id of the dragged item, however if there is multiple selection enabled, and more than one tree node is dragged into the tree, i only receive an event for the fist node.
Is there any way i can get all the node id in an multiple selection on an onDragIn event
but I’m not ready to update the dhtmlXtree sw yet.
While new way for attach event introduced, the previous way is fully workable as well, it just recomended to use new syntax where possible ( we may remove old event system in some future version but it is fully available for now)
and more than one tree
node is dragged into the tree, i only receive an event for the fist node
while d-n-d next attribute contains collection of draged items
to get their IDs next code can be use
var ids=[];
for (var i=0; i<this._dragged.length; i++)