Hello Support staff,
I have a couple of issues/questions about subgrids.
I have a main dhtmlxgrid, with 9 columns. Column 7’s cell type is defined as sub_row_grid and is supposed to be dynamically loaded using xml generated by a JSP, say JSP1. Cells in Column 9, depending on the data, are either specified as “sub_row” or “sub_row_grid”. When sub_row is specified, the data is provided in the same xml. For sub_row_grid, the data is supposed to be dynamically loaded by xml generated by a different JSP, say JSP2. The issue is, the main grid loads correctly, but when I expand the subgrid for column 7, JSP2 (specified for Column 9) is invoked, instead of JSP1. Even in the case where Column 9 is specified as sub_row and data is provided in the main grid xml, expanding column 7’s subgrid actually displays the sub_row of column 9.
The second issue is more of a question. Since my subgrids/subrows are close to the end of my row, (ex column 9), the subrow that expands is not visible unless I scroll right. I would like to be able to specify 1) the position where subrow/subgrid should be displayed, 2) subgrid to be wider than main grid.
Please let me know what I can do to fix these issues.
Thank you.
- This is known limitation.Current version of dhtmlxGrid doesn’t support muliple sub grids at the one row
2. There is no way change position of the sub grid. Sub grid allways appears at the right of the “sub_row_grid” cell, sub grid container cannot increase main grid’s container.
You can try to use dhtmlxTreeGrid which has more extended parent-child functionality. Please find more information here dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dht … ndex.shtml