I want to user multiselect checkbox in lightbox to assign a single task to multiuser… it works fine but the issue is all checkbox value is save in a sigle field which is define in map_to property.
But what i want is the event is save in multiple row with different different user assigned
For example :—
if we select 3 user in multiselect at the time of event creation. than that event is save three times with all same data expect assigned users are different
if we select 3 user in multiselect at the time of event creation. than that event is save three times with all same data expect assigned users are different
There is no default support for such functionality, but you can extend code which process data saving on server side and extend it in the necessary way ( create few extra records in the database for example )
i want to know if all selected options of multiselect value in saving in single field (e.g:- 1,2,3,4)
then is it possible to load events by explode them and then load sql query to load events?
Technically it is possible, you can inject custom code in loading logic, and clone events with multiple options, but it will provide more problems during saving, as they are will be counted as separate events and end user will be able to edit, delete separate instances, which will not be correctly reflected in the database.
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