Multiselect values not loaded when binding to datastore

When I have a multiselect field in a form it loads correctly and also stores all values I selected in the database table. But when I reload the form and load all data in it, only in the multiselect there are no options selected. All other form elements work perfectly.

Is this a known issue? And what could I do about it?

The correctly saved data is comma seperated, for example “FFFFFF,FFA500”

I am using this multiselect control:

type:'multiselect', name:'colors', label:'Select all colors', size:5, options:[ {text: "White", value: "FFFFFF"}, {text: "Black", value: "000000"}, {text: "Orange", value: "FFA500"} ]

Later on I am using this code to load all store data:

form.bind( store );

Please provide a sample of data which was loaded in datastore and not shown correctly in the multiselect control.

I attached a full example which illustrates the problem.

Thanx for your reply! (396 KB)

Problem confirmed and fixed.
Please try to use the attached js file instead of the original one. (14.8 KB)