My dhtmlxGrid have 3 different colunm, I success append the

The native support of context menu works only in “one menu per grid” mode, so it not possible to attach few different menus to the same grid ( basically it can be done , by using onRightClick and custom menu handlers, but it is a complex way )

The similar behavior can be achieved with one context menu, which just customized based on active cell|row, it possible to attach custom code to “onBeforeContextMenu” event, and based on active column show|hide some items in menu - so technically here will be one menu object, but it will look different for different columns.

>>can I force … to appear when user do single click
In case of non MacOs platform it can be done by small code modification

in dhtmlxGrid.js locate next string
and replace “2” with code of button which necessary in your case

in dhtmlxGrid.js locate next string
and replace “2” with code of button which necessary in your case
After do some testing, I found that the ‘Left Button’ Click event was ‘1’, ‘Right Button’ click event was ‘2’ and ‘Scoll Button’ Click event was ‘4’, right?

I had try to change the syntax from   (ev.button==2) to (ev.button==1) or (ev.button==4), the program will enter the ‘if (this._ctmndx){’ block code, but the Context Menu was not show/pop up for (ev.button==1) or (ev.button==4) when I click ‘Left Button’ or ‘Scoll Button’. When I change the back (ev.button==2), the ContextMenu will show/pop up when I click ‘Right Button’.
    Futher, should I put ‘grid.enableEditEvents(true,false,false);’ or ‘grid.enableLightMouseNavigation(true);’ to handle single click event? I had try to put either this two line code but it still not working. Any suggestion?

    I had another Question, in the dhtmlxGrid, can I disable/set read only to each row? eg. When the Grid finish loaded, I will have 5 empty row with 3 column, I need to enable first row and disable the bottom 4 row. When I finish fill the text for 1st row, then 2nd row will be enable but 3rd, 4th and 5th row still disable. When I finish fill 2nd row, 3rd row will be enable…etc. I try to use mygrid.enableEditEvents(false,false,false);, but all row will disbled. Please help!