
I have 3 grids in same form but grids that it has defined the attachEvents appears empty. Grids is loaded through XML and verifying the content of the XML this it is generated, I tried clearing the sentences of attachEvents and grids load perfectly, what can be my problem? , associate the code that I am using: Grid 1 and 3 perfect Grid 2 problems.

Grid 1


Grid 2


Grid 3


I have 3 grids in same form but grids that it has defined the attachEvents appears empty.
Unfortunately we cannot reproduce this issue locally. Please check example here … _grid.html
Grid with attachEvent() loads well.

Thank you very much by its quick answer, but unfortunately it does not
solve my question, because I have programs using one grid with
attachEvents and work perfectly but this case of having to use
3 grid and one with the attachEvents is what I do not see like solving.

Best regards.


Bucaramanga - Colombia

attachEvent itself can’t be a reason of problem, each dhtmlx object has such method, and calling it just save reference to the method, so there is very little space for an error.
But the problem can be in the methods , which you attaching to the grid.
mygrid.attachEvent(“OnCheck”, mtransp.doOnCheck);
if in moment of code execution, mtransp object is not defined, the above code will throw an error which will stop any further initialization.