Need help with checking boxes

I have an input button

the function check_uncheck() does this

function check_uncheck()


         var form = document.adminForm;



         for (var i=0; i<mygrid.getRowsNum(); i++)



if (form.boxchecked.value==1)






witch is checking the check boxes in the grid. In the firefox the checking occurs immediately, in IE the checking occurs after moving in another tab . How do i fix the problem in IE ?

There must not be any difference between grid in FF and IE -  in local samples the same functionality works equally well in both browsers ( if necessary - sample can be sent )
The problem can be caused by some kind of image caching issue in IE ( checkboxes are actually images )

You can try to add next two rows at end of check_uncheck functionality 
this must force rendering of grid in IE ( it work in case of some other IE glitches and may be helpful in your situation as well )

By the way, instead of
you can use
this is not an error, just a short notation