Need specific pattern for dhxLayout


I need a specific layout pattern. I tried to do that by myself but this seems be really complicated…

Have you got an algorythme to generate it from an HTML Table ? If not, I think it could be pretty useful provide something like that on your web site ! It’s just an idea ^^

Please, can you give me the JS code to this pattern ?

Idealy i would like make an external pattern in a separated JS file (dhtmlxlayout_patternXX.js). So if you can provide me code for these elements :

  • dhtmlXLayoutObject.prototype.tplData
  • dhtmlXLayoutObject.prototype._availAutoSize

Thanks in advance :wink:


Hi again,

I will need another one :

Thanks :wink:

I did that, but it doesn’t work fine :frowning:

    <autosize hor="a;d;e" ver="c;d;e" rows="3" cols="3"/>
    <table data="a,d,e;b,d,e;c,d,e"/>    
        <cell obj="a" wh="3,3" resize="ver" neighbors="a;b;c"/>
        <cell sep="ver" left="a,b,c" right="d;e" dblclick="c" rowspan="4"/>
        <cell obj="d" wh="3,1" resize="hor" neighbors="a,b,c;d;e" rowspan="4"/>
        <cell sep="ver" left="a,b,c;d" right="e" dblclick="d" rowspan="4"/>
        <cell obj="e" wh="3,1" resize="hor" neighbors="a,b,c;d;e" rowspan="4"/>
    <row sep="yes">
        <cell sep="hor" top="a" bottom="b;c" dblclick="a"/>
        <cell obj="b" wh="1,3" resize="ver" neighbors="a;b;c"/>
    <row sep="yes">
        <cell sep="hor" top="a;b" bottom="c" dblclick="b"/>
        <cell obj="c" wh="1,3" resize="ver" neighbors="a;b;c"/>

Any Idea ?

Ok, I found my mistake :sunglasses:

The problem was on the rowspan.

I changed the rowspan’s value from 4 to 5 (3 cells + 2 separators). And it works :slight_smile:

it is not as complicated as I thought :smiley:

Correct code :

    <autosize hor="a;d;e" ver="c;d;e" rows="3" cols="3"/>
    <table data="a,d,e;b,d,e;c,d,e"/>    
        <cell obj="a" wh="3,3" resize="ver" neighbors="a;b;c"/>
        <cell sep="ver" left="a,b,c" right="d;e" dblclick="c" rowspan="5"/>
        <cell obj="d" wh="3,1" resize="hor" neighbors="a,b,c;d;e" rowspan="5"/>
        <cell sep="ver" left="a,b,c;d" right="e" dblclick="d" rowspan="5"/>
        <cell obj="e" wh="3,1" resize="hor" neighbors="a,b,c;d;e" rowspan="5"/>
    <row sep="yes">
        <cell sep="hor" top="a" bottom="b;c" dblclick="a"/>
        <cell obj="b" wh="1,3" resize="ver" neighbors="a;b;c"/>
    <row sep="yes">
        <cell sep="hor" top="a;b" bottom="c" dblclick="b"/>
        <cell obj="c" wh="1,3" resize="ver" neighbors="a;b;c"/>

JS pattern :

/* Custom Pattern : 5Z */
dhtmlXLayoutObject.prototype.tplData["5Z"]='<layout><autosize hor="a;d;e" ver="c;d;e" rows="3" cols="3"/><table data="a,d,e;b,d,e;c,d,e"/><row><cell obj="a" wh="3,3" resize="ver" neighbors="a;b;c"/><cell sep="ver" left="a,b,c" right="d;e" dblclick="c" rowspan="5"/><cell obj="d" wh="3,1" resize="hor" neighbors="a,b,c;d;e" rowspan="5"/><cell sep="ver" left="a,b,c;d" right="e" dblclick="d" rowspan="5"/><cell obj="e" wh="3,1" resize="hor" neighbors="a,b,c;d;e" rowspan="5"/></row><row sep="yes"><cell sep="hor" top="a" bottom="b;c" dblclick="a"/></row><row><cell obj="b" wh="1,3" resize="ver" neighbors="a;b;c"/></row><row sep="yes"><cell sep="hor" top="a;b" bottom="c" dblclick="b"/></row><row><cell obj="c" wh="1,3" resize="ver" neighbors="a;b;c"/></row></layout>';
//v.3.5 build 120822

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Hope it will help someone :wink:

Bye !


Or i can add one more variant (not such fine, but simpler):

Use additional 4G pattern and attach there simple 2E or 2U layouts in the cell D.