Need to Set Total hours per day

How to show 1 day using duration unit “day”, when Total Work time is 9 hrs (ex: setworktime(9,18)) but now its showing 0 as duration its only taking 12 hrs for 1.

Hi, @mughi!
Gantt does not work this way. The duration can only be in days or only in hours.

If you want to include both of them in the task duration, perhaps you can try using task duration 1 day, use the template in the grid and show the number of hours multiplied by 8 or 9.

Here is the sample, you can see how it can be implemented:

Perhaps you need a resource chart. It shows only what is set to it. Resource chart can be customized so that it shows the hourly load, the total number of hours for the resource and even how many hours were assigned per day.
Here are our samples:

Hii, Can we limit showing the numbers hours in gantt view per day

Hello Rajitha,
It depends on where you want to limit it and how you expect it to work.
Please provide a more detailed description. Also, you can share a picture that shows how you imagine it should look and work.