Nest loop tree display

Hi sir,

I have a question with tree that when I onclick the tree1’s node, it will be display tree2 xml on the same layout cell “b”, when I onclick the tree2’s node on the same layout cell “b”, it will return tree1 xml, that mean is a nest loop desplay. How to use the tree represent the while loop on coding.
thank you.

while(onclick tree node)
if (onclick treeID = “a”){
display tree1.xml;
myLayout.cells(“b”).layout = null;
if ( onclick tree1xml’s id = “b”){
display tree2.xml
myLayout.cells(“b”).layout = null;
if(onclick tree2xml’s id = “a”){
return display tree1.xml

Sorry but your question it not clear enough…
If i understand you right, you can use “onSelect” event handler to reload tree data by node selection:

tree.attachEvent("onSelect", function(id){ tree2.clearAll(); tree2.loadXML(... ) })

If you need something else - please, clarify your question