my codes:
file: layout.jsp
dhxLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(“parentId”,“3L”);
layout1 = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(dhxLayout.cells(“a”),“3E”);
in layout1 .cells(“a”) there was a index-tree.
i wanted to use a grid in dhxLayout.cells(“c”); when i clicked a node of index-tree, related information would be display in that grid.
this code was written in the page integratedView.jsp and the url of tree node like :
then there was a error: “dhxLayout is not defined”. certainly “dhxLayout” was not defined in integratedView.jsp.
how can i implement it? how can i transfer this javascript variable to the url-page of nested cells.
best regards
attachURL loads page into iframe. So, this fact must be taken into consederation.
The iframe is available by the following property:
var frame = dhxLayout.cells(“c”)._frame;
You can get grid object by frame.contentWindow.gridObject;
var grid = frame.contentWindow.gridObject
If this approach must be called from another iframe, something as follows can take place:
var frame = parent.dhxLayout.cells(“c”)._frame;
var grid = frame.contentWindow.gridObject;