var main=new dhtmlXLayoutObject(parent, "2U");
var side=main.cells('a').attachLayout(3+"E");
the side layout is used as a viewport for specific types of windows.
var dhxWinsSide =main.cells("a").vs.def.layout.dhxWins;
I have specific methods, layout and properties attached to these window objects the side viewport. These all work fine.
Now I would like to use the main.dhxWins as a new dhxWins object , for an other type of window (modal form-windows).
I thougt it would be a walk in the park, but apparently dhtmlx prevents the “main-windows” to appear like they should.
I can just see a title, no border, window-backgroud, buttons,etc
the image (capture.png) illustrates that a window is created and the title is set to test, no body appears.
Is there a problem with z-indexes or with the nesting of both dhxWins’?
When i disable the side dhxWins, the mainwindows are properly shown
Please, check if you have set the skin and path to css files correctly. If you are sure that it is right, send us completed demo to inspect it … leted_demo
I’m sure that the paths are correct, because the “side-windows” are correctly displayed.
it has something to do with the viewports, because if I play with the main-viewport (with the method setviewport) I can view the window. But with autoViewport for the second type of windows this does not work.
I Simplified my code, but mainly my problem should be obvious from the (315 KB)
hi everyone,
i have similar problem here.
i have 3T layout in may Main.php, and attchURL(“grid2.php”) to the cells(“c”)
when i do double-click on grid, it open and edit window (modal)
the modal window is movable around cells(“c”) only.
how can i make it movable to all around Main document.body???
really appreciate for helps
You use your grid as iframe page - the window will have only cell C viewport.
If you don’t use iframe and use attachGrid method and build window on the same page with layout - window will open for the whole page
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