NEW LINE ("\n" or "<br>") in cell


Thank You very much for Your great support!

Can You help me load data from XML with “NEW LINE”-symbols in cells?

If I trying
- XML Error

If I trying \n - it showed as space

Best regards, Dmitry

Try escaping tags like <br>

Yep, I tried this and I see in the cell “
” but I like new line.


| col 1 | col 2 |

| 1 | line 1
line 2 | <- I have when use <br&gt

| 2 | line 1 | <- I have when use
, but I can’t create XML ( line 1
line 2 ) - Incorrect XML

| | line 2 |

text<br/>text on new line  outputs text on two lines for ed, ro etc. types.
It shows
as text only for [xx]txt types - like edtxt,rotxt, txttxt