New Release of dhtmlxGantt

Dear dhtmlx team,

I saw that so many people are anxious to get new Release of dhtmlxGantt which supposed to cover following issues that has been discussed (some are promised to be fixed).

  • Multiple predecessors (with lag capabilities, SS,FS,SF,FF)
  • Able to select time scale as day,week,month,quarter

Personally, I seriously want to purchase this module when above issue is fixed. So, looking forward to hearing from you.

Rizka Arifianto

After struggling with the issue that came up during evaluation of this product, finally I just gave up since there is no good response from dhtmlx team.

Then I finally got the solution by doing some experimental project using JSGantt…well actually I made some major changes in JSGantt. now JSGantt (my version) has these features:

  • Multiple chart in 1 page
  • Freeze task bar header (scrollable)
  • scrollable task name
  • having printable option
  • add event listener when task got expanded, clicked or double clicked.
  • multiple predecessors
  • Time scale capabilities (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly)


Wow, just what i would need.
No way to share this “boosted” version with the community?
I’d really like to try it.
Regards, Diego

Find the code over here:

Hi Rizka, I can’t find your link but I’d like to try your JSGantt, can you help me?

Thanks, Stefano