New user - evaluating dhtmlxSpreadsheet

Exporting dhtmlxSpreadsheet with data to PDF/ Excel is redirecting to ‘’. Why?

Thanks in advance.

Export functionality is server side, so spreadsheet sends data to server which responds with pdf|excel files.

Server side libs are free, and you can place them on your server ( php, java and .net solutions are available )

Check grid-to-pdf script on the next page

The documentation url noted below seems to be out of sync with the package.

  • Are they the same libs?

  • Can you pl refer to the correct documentation on how to install server libs for exporting dhtmlxSpreadsheet to Excel?

Thanks in advance.

Here’s an updated doc on how to install the dhtmlx server utilities (PHP) on your own Apache webserver:

  • dhtmlxSpreadsheet can be exported to Excel and Pdf WITHOUT getting re-directed to dhtmlx site’s webserver. This is accomplished by installing dhtmlx server utilities that can be downloaded from their site @ … x.shtml?mn.

  • Create a directory, say ‘grid2Excel’, under ‘codebase’ of dhtmlx installation and unzip the contents of the downloaded file ‘’ to this directory.

  • Similarly, create another directory, say ‘gridPdf’ under ‘codebase’ of dhtmlx installation and unzip the contents of the downloaded file ‘’ to this directory.

  • Edit the settings ‘export_excel_url’ and ‘export_pdf_url’ in the file ‘dhtmlxspreadsheet.js’ in the ‘codebase’ of dhtmlx installation to point to the script that generates excel and pdf files respectively. For example:

    export_excel_url: './codebase/gridExcel/generate.php'
    export_pdf_url: './codebase/gridPdf/generate.php' 
  • Optionally, you can edit other settings as mentioned in the dhtmlx documentation.

Give solution is for php? How can I do i for java?

Similar packages exists for java as well, only extra step - you will need to map some http path servlet from one of such packages.