Firstly, thanks so much for the Scheduler. So much better than google calendar.
I’m new to Joomla! and new to dhtmlxScheduler. I’ve tried for hours looking on the web but couldn’t find anything. I have three questions.
If I make an event then save it that works fine. However, if I try and go back to edit that event the save button no longer works.
I have installed the Scheduler in Joomla! as per the installation instructions. Because it is now a component I can’t add text above or below the Scheduler e.g. a key or other information for my users. I’m sure there is an easy solution for this but I can’t find one.
Also, is there easy way to color code different events. I don’t know a lot about CSS and html. I’d like to, for example, color code Group Fitness blue and Personal Training sessions orange.
Thanks for your quick reply!
Re: save button. It already is on debug mode and no other detailed error info. You can see the Schedular here www.myhealthevolution.net
As for your other two suggestions, thanks, I will try that tomorrow.
There is a known conflict with mootools library, which is included on the same page
So I was just trying the same thing I.e. Joomla + Scheduler and get the same issue.
Are you saying there is no solution?
I’m not quite sure how joomla handles page templates.
Probably it possible to remove the mootols include from the scheduler’s component page - which will resolve conflict.
The next version of scheduler ( which is not released yet ) has related part of code reworked, so it may be better compatible with mootools lib.
Thanks for the reply.
I can’t remove mootools.
Do you have general timeframe for next release? Weeks, months, years?
BTW you might want to post a warning up front that the app will not work
with mootools.
Problem occurs only for recurring events extension, without it scheduler must work fine.
The next release will be probably at March-April 2011, there is no exact date yet.