Newbie needs help - MySQL DB name/user/password

Hi Everyone,
I’m just starting with this, and I appreciate all the help I can get.
How would the connector.php file access MySQL DB on the server without the DB name/user/password?

I’m so sorry if this sounds so silly and basic, but I’m trying to learn, I read the connector’s docs but this part was not clear to me.

Please help !!!

It can’t access it without user|pass.
As connector code stored on php, it is fully safe to store password there.

On side note, you can configure MySQL to allow access without password - but that will be really not secure approach.

I really appreciate your reply.
Can I bug you to tell me how can I do that and where in php, I tried different things and it didn’t work, I also could not find docs on it.
I need to know where can I enter the MySQL db name/user/password.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

Grab the full connector’s package …
It contain full samples of connector’s usage, you can define db settings in samples/config.php

In common case, db access to connector can be defined like next … ide_sample

I tried to define the DB in “config.php” and I followed the guidelines in the support docs you sent me, but still it’s not loading the data into the grid.
my url is

Please help anyone I need to figure this out, loading the data from MySQL DB will give me a jump start to move on and learn more.

Thanks for your help

In code of your page, grid load data as


But when I try to load that page directly in browser - it show “page not found”. Is the above path valid ?

Hi Stanislav,

Thanks again for your help.
I did more checking on the code and path tried to make sure it’s ok, but still not working.
here is where I stand now:

  • my url for the grid is:
  • I defined the db access info in “config.php”
  • I’m trying to load using (“php/codebase/data.php”) (code below)
<?php require_once("php/codebase/config.php"); $res=mysql_connect($mysql_server,$mysql_user,$mysql_pass); mysql_select_db($mysql_db); require("php/codebase/grid_connector.php"); $grid = new GridConnector($res); $grid->render_table("table1","id","name,country"); ?>

I get the error: Error type: LoadXML / Description: Incorrect XML

Please tell me what does that mean and what I need to do to load the grid with date from MySQL db.


This is my latest result.
The grid is not loading data from MySQL db
I checked the server’s MySQL error log and I get this

[23-Feb-2013 20:45:10] PHP Fatal error: Class ‘GridConnector’ not found in /home3/intlship/public_html/andalus/php/codebase/data.php on line 5

Please help anyone !!

Thanks in advance

[23-Feb-2013 20:45:10] PHP Fatal error: Class 'GridConnector' not found in /home3/intlship/public_html/andalus/php/codebase/data.php on line 5

It seems that grid_connector.php is not correctly included in the data.php file, be sure that you have related include and its path is valid.