Newbie question - How to add intro text


I’ve successfully managed to download and install dhtmlxscheduler for Joomla 1.5.23 and have been trying to figure out how to add intro text just above the calendar module. The text I want to add is “Below is a list of Events available at our venue along with their times and locations.” so it looks like the calendar here:

If anyone can assist I’d be very grateful. Thanks in advance.

you may add it into components/com_scheduler/scheduler_include.html file.
Content of this file will be inserted before scheduler.

Radyno thank you very much for your help.

Thanks for your previous reply, however how do I add text or an article AFTER the calendar?

unfortunately there is no way to do this for scheduler plugin.

Doh. Despite the name scheduler_include.html is probably the only file were I didn’t think of looking. Thanks Radyno.