I used this, from dhtmlxscheduler.css, as a template
and created a “.dhx_cal_nextEvent_button”. I added it next to the “Today” button.
I added the following in dhtmlxscheduler.js:
The Today button uses this code:
Does someone with better JS skills than mine have code for returning the date of the next future event?
If a user comes to the calendar and does not immediately see an event, I would rather they not have to hunt and peck to try to find the next event. It is in the scheduler._events list. And I could figure out the JS if I have to. But somebody here probably has the code on hand already, yes?
var from = new Date(); //current date, you can use scheduler.getState().date
var events = scheduler.getEvents(from, new Date(9999,1,1));
return a.start_date < b.start_date ? 1 : -1;
//events[0] is the nearest event
//events[0].start_date - its start date
Well, it seemed to work ok. But it caused issues. For example, there was a reproducible symptom that did this:
1 - go to the Months view, capture state of events. In my case, could see about 6.
2 - go back 2 months with the arrow link.
3 - click on the ‘Next Event’ tab.
4 - Observe, no problem.
5 - go back 2 months with the arrow link.
3 - click on the ‘Next Event’ tab.
4 - Observe, events are duplicated and moved around. Some times are set to 00:00.
5 - Click the re-load button.
6 - Observe, everything is back to normal.
This was reproducible multiple times. I want this button, but I will have to find the time to make it work properly.
This code doesn’t alter events in any way, it just extract info and must not change anything in view.
If issue still occurs - can you provide any kind of sample or demo link where it can be checked ?
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