Hey everybody im new using DHTMLXTree and i just wondering if there’s anyway to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd level of the XML cannot be clickable, because i just wanna be able to click the fourth level, because im generating graphs, and i got a error message in my server, because it’s not valid the ID in order to generate the graphic.
Hope that find the help here about this requirement. Attached is the image that includes the design.
There is no “unclickable” items in dhtmlxTree. Item is clickable anyway, but you need to use onClick and onSelect events to call there method clearSelection to not highlight item and don’t forget to restore previous selection (optionaly).
var level = tree.getLevel(id);
//and restore previous selected item id
tree.attachEvent("onSelect", function(id){
var level = tree.getLevel(id);
//and restore previous selected item id
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