No DHTMLXGRID Headers in IE8

We use dhtmlxgrid_1.6_pro.js and have the problem that the text of the header row is not displayed in IE8. It is displayed in other browsers and IE8 compatibility mode also.

I analyzed the situtation so far, that the inner table consists of two columns, the second of which has a width of 100%. The first column has no width attribute, so that second column seems to squeeze the first column to width zero. When I replace “100%” with something else, I can see the headers. See inner table code below.

Is there a fix for this?










Unfortunately we cannot reproduce this issue locally. Could you please provide sample of code how are you initialize grid?

We create the element with the following code:

The XML transferred by the Servlet contains serverl columns with absolute width attributes, e.g. with total width 960px.

The generated rows table gets an inline style of “width: 960”:

<table class=“obj row20px” style=“width: 960px; table-layout: fixed;” cellSpacing=“0” cellPadding=“0” …

The header table however has the attribute “width=100%”. When I change this to “width=960”, I can see the headers (although they are not perfectly aligned).


Here is the transfered XML

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>

     :] ]]>
    [from] - [to] von [total]
  PLZ/ Ort
  Wurst, Hans
  Weingartenstr 12
  Wagenburgplatz 12
  70184 Teststadt

the text of the header row is not displayed in IE8
Please check … 8%20header