I can’t get the right output on pdf timeline
screenshot on attachement file.
I tried to edit the pdWrapper.php file on “// draws timeline events” with no results.
thanks in advance
Try to use dhtmlxscheduler_pdf.js from latest scheduler2pdf package instead of one, which is bundled in dhtmlxscheduler 2.3 package.
using the last version you get:
Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
already fixed by
hi Stanislav,
I get the same wrong rendering
In the file included you can see the timeline
It’s a scheduled activity list of a group of people.
I’m wondering, also, if it’s possible getting a different color for each different activity on the PDF.
Can you enable the debug mode and provide the debug xml file ?
Also, be sure to use
scheduler.toPDF(url, “fullcolor”);
if you want to have the same colors in pdf output , as on original html page.