Non clickable content inside template

scheduler.templates.event_text=function(start,end,event) { return "<p class='someClass'>"+event.text+"</p><p class='someOtherClass'>"+event.nomeSede+" "+event.magicInfo+"</p>";

My problem is that the

tag create a “non-clickable” area [on the event’s

], so that if I don’t double click outside it there is now way for me to open the details form.
Is it possible to attach some kind of doubleclick event to the

tag to avoid that problem? Any other option is welcome :slight_smile:

Thank you

Are you using the latest version of scheduler (3.0)? This issue must be fixed for now.

Yes I’m using the last version of the scheduler. There isn’t any workaround?

Try to use attached version ( latest build from dev. branch ), here the above issues is fixed for sure (838 KB)

Still the new version did not solve the problem, either if I use a span , a normal p or even a div. The event is clckable only if the text is submitted without a tag.

It seems that this thing happes only f I define a class for the


scheduler.templates.event_text=function(start,end,event) { return "<p style='someStyle'>"+event.text+"</p><p style='someOtherStyle'>"+event.nomeSede+" "+event.magicInfo+"</p>";

This code works like a charm. The ‘new’ problem is tht the text inside the details-box is trimmed. So If the text is “This Is a Text” in the event bar, I obtain “T” (or similar) in the details-box.

Actually the more attributes I add inside the property style the less text I obtain in the details box. If I don’t add ‘style’ at all I obtain the full text.

There is a next line in the scheduler’s code


It is necessary for IE6 support - you can remove substr part to resolve issue ( it affects only text in the header of details form )

Quoting Apache: “It Works!”

Thank you very much, great support for a great component. :slight_smile: