Note, tooltip

Have some issue with note and tooltip …

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

if ( stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"],"application/xhtml+xml")) {
	header("Content-type: application/xhtml+xml"); } else {
	header("Content-type: text/xml");

if (!$res) {
$e = oci_error();
trigger_error(htmlentities($e[‘message’], ENT_QUOTES), E_USER_ERROR);
echo("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n");

echo ("

<item type='fieldset' name='data' inputWidth='auto' label='Person' >
		<item type='input' value='' label='ИНН' name='innperson' labelWidth='100' inputWidth='150' info='true'/>
		<item type='input' value='' label='Имя' name='firstname' labelWidth='100' inputWidth='150'/>
		<item type='input' value='' label='Фамилия' name='lastname' labelWidth='100' inputWidth='150'/>
		<item type='input' value='' label='Отчетсво' name='middlename' labelWidth='100' inputWidth='150'/>
		<item type='combo' label='Пол' name='gender' labelWidth='100' inputWidth='150' >
			<option value='0' text='жін.'/>
			<option value='1' text='чол.'/>
		<item type='combo' label='Национальность' name='nationalcombo' value='' labelWidth='100' inputWidth='200'/>
		<item type='calendar' dateFormat='%d.%m.%Y' name='bdate' label='Дата рождения' readonly='true' value='' calendarPosition='right' labelWidth='100' inputWidth='150'/>\n
		<item type='input' value='' tooltip='38(xxxxx)xxxxxxx' rows='1' label='Home telephone' name='telephoneh' labelWidth='100' inputWidth='150' noteWidth='250' info='true'>
		<note>Please specify phone number as 38(xxxxx)xxxxxxx</note>


and page form init



but no info or tooltip

What DHTMLX, OS and browser version do you have?

dhtmlxSuite 2013 Rel.1 (DHTMLX 3.6) Standard edition build 130417

client - Win
server - Linux

chrome Version 33.0.1750.154 m
safari - 5.1.7

We recommend you to update to current v.3.6 build 131108 version. It must fix your issue.

it working on build 130417 but only localy, when deploy on server side it ignore there values.

nothing happens, still no notes or tooltip.

local working perfect but when try implement on server side it just normal state :cry:

from server ;(

but locally it’s another view of form pls… help

Please, provide us completed demo on with link to this topic to test it locally … leted_demo
Your code works

the same thing here … vents.html

According your xml form structure there are no notes and tooltips
Note structure:

<item type="input" value="p_rossi" label="Login" info="true"> <note>Please type your login here</note> </item>
Tooltip structure:

<item type="combo" name="age" label="Age:" validate="ValidSelect" value="" tooltip="Results are saved for 60 days" readonly="true">

tooltip and note form my xml

<item type='input' value='' tooltip='38(xxxxx)xxxxxxx' rows='1' label='Home telephone' name='telephoneh' labelWidth='100' inputWidth='150' noteWidth='250' info='true'> <note>Please specify phone number as 38(xxxxx)xxxxxxx</note> </item>

But look at the used xml file provided by link to our local samples: … hxform.xml
There a re no tags

yes sorry …

i just see same form and i not check xml that loaded.

Maybe exists some debug info why it not initialized or some errors ???

Sorry, could you clarify your question? What do you mean?

like in dhtmlxcombo when enable log info
