Nothing passed to Data processor scripts $_GET or $_POST

Hello again all,

I have recently updated some of my server side PHP files to use $_POST insted of $_GET and everything seemed to be working fine however I must have done something (although Im not sure what since I hav’nt worked on these files in a while) because now I keep getting the following when ever I try to perform any operations:

Error type: LoadXML Description: Wrong XML

When I load the connector page directly I get:

Contents of $_POST:
Contents of $_GET:
// nothing is being passed in either get or post??

( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: ids in C:\wamp\www\resources\lib\cons\mySettings\areaPreferences_gridUpdateV2.php on line 125
Call Stack
10.0010403544{main}( )…\areaPreferences_gridUpdateV2.php:0

( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: !nativeeditor_status in C:\wamp\www\resources\lib\cons\mySettings\areaPreferences_gridUpdateV2.php on line 129
Call Stack
10.0010403544{main}( )…\areaPreferences_gridUpdateV2.php:0

( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: _Preference_Level in C:\wamp\www\resources\lib\cons\mySettings\areaPreferences_gridUpdateV2.php on line 48
Call Stack
10.0010403544{main}( )…\areaPreferences_gridUpdateV2.php:0
20.0178875056update_row( )…\areaPreferences_gridUpdateV2.php:142

( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: _Area_Code in C:\wamp\www\resources\lib\cons\mySettings\areaPreferences_gridUpdateV2.php on line 48
Call Stack
10.0010403544{main}( )…\areaPreferences_gridUpdateV2.php:0
20.0178875056update_row( )…\areaPreferences_gridUpdateV2.php:142

You’ll notice that both the $_GET and $_POST arrays seem to be empty which is causing everything else to collaps in a heap of Undefined index errors

my data processor is set up as follows:

areaDataProcessor = new dataProcessor ("resources/lib/cons/mySettings/areaPreferences_gridUpdateV2.php");
                // create an action to show an error message to the user in the event of a problem
                areaDataProcessor.defineAction("error",function (response){
                    var message = response.getAttribute("message")
                    alert ("The following error occoured while attempting an area grid operation" + " "+message);
                    return false

my server side dataprocessor script looks like so:

// check that the user is autherised 
if (!(($_SESSION['Authorised'] == true) && ($_SESSION['User_Level']) >= 1 )) {
// check that the user has been properly autherised and redirect to the index if not

define('CONFIG_PATH', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/resources');
require_once (CONFIG_PATH . '\config.php');
require_once(LIBRARY_PATH . '\queries\class.db.proqueries.php');
// include all files required for database connection and queries

$host = $dbConfig ['dbSettings']['mysql']['host'];
$dbName = $dbConfig ['dbSettings']['mysql']['dbname'];
$userName = $dbConfig ['dbSettings']['mysql']['username'];
$pwd = $dbConfig ['dbSettings']['mysql']['password'];
// create variables for connection settings.from config file

$dbConnection = new Proc_Query($host, $dbName, $userName, $pwd);

 if (!(isset($_SESSION ['ID']))){
 echo "Error while updating area preferences: No user id passed in SESSION variable";
 // a global variable to hold the id of any new record
 $tid = "";
// create db connection and query class using config settings

 * A function to perform a preference update on a given area  using data passed 
 * via the dataprocessor 
 * @param a Proc_Query object to create a connection and perform the updat query
 * @return a string value representing the process status

function update_row($dbConnection,$rowId) {
    try {
    $dbConnection-> updateVisitiorAreaPrefs($_SESSION['ID'],$_POST[$rowId.'_Preference_Level'], $_POST[$rowId.'_Area_Code']); 
    catch (Exception $e){
        echo "The following error occoured while attempting to set area preference" .
            " " . $e->getMessage() .
            " " . "In file" .
            " " . $e->getFile() .
            " " . "on line" .
            " " . $e->getLine();

    return "update";

 * A function to remove a given student based on data passed from the dataprocessor
  @param a Proc_Query object to create a connection and perform the delete query
 * @return a string value representing the process status

function delete_row($dbConnection,$rowId) {
     try {
    $dbConnection-> removeVisitiorAreaPref($_SESSION['ID'] , $_POST[$rowId.'_Area_Code']);
    catch (Exception $e){
        echo "The following error occoured while attempting to delete an preference" .
            " " . $e->getMessage() .
            " " . "In file" .
            " " . $e->getFile() .
            " " . "on line" .
            " " . $e->getLine();

    return "delete";

 * A function to add a given palcement selection for a vistior based on data passed from the dataprocessor
 * @param a Proc_Query object to create a connection and perform the add query
 * @return a string value representing the process status

function add_row($dbConnection,$rowId) {
   global $tid;
    try {
    $dbConnection->addAreaPreference($_POST[$rowId.'_Area_Code'], $_POST[$rowId.'_Preference_Level'],$_SESSION['ID']); 
    catch (Exception $e){
        echo "The following error occoured while attempting to set placement preference" .
            " " . $e->getMessage() .
            " " . "In file" .
            " " . $e->getLine() .
            " " . "on line" .
            " " . $e->getLine();

    $tid =$_POST['Placement_ID'];
    return "insert";

//include XML Header (as response will be in xml format)
header("Content-type: text/xml");
echo('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>'); 
//output update results
echo "<data>";

// explode the id string passed in the post
$ids = explode(",",$_POST["ids"]);
//for each id strings row loop 
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($ids); $i++) { 
	$rowId = $ids[$i]; //id or row which was updated 
	$mode = $_POST[$rowId."_!nativeeditor_status"]; //get request mode
        // switch to the appropreate operation based on the mode passed. 
		case "inserted":
			//row adding request
			$action = add_row($dbConnection,$rowId);
		case "deleted":
			//row deleting request
			$action = delete_row($dbConnection,$rowId);
			//row updating request
			$action = update_row($dbConnection,$rowId);
	echo "<action type='".$action."' sid='".$rowId."' tid='".$tid."'/>";
echo "</data>";


Can anyone see any problems? I’ve been sat here since 10:00 am on a Saturday trying to work out where Ive messed up.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance.

By default DP sends data via GET. To use POST you need to call setTransactionMode method
