I would like to format the value in column in the following way: 134,500.07.
I performed the following instructions:
mygrid.setColTypes ( “ro, txt, ed, ed, edn, edn, ed”);
mygrid.setNumberFormat ( “0000.00”, 4);
but the result is wrong, “134500.070000”
Thanks in advance
mygrid.setNumberFormat ( “0000.00”, 4);
At the last version of dhtmlxGrid this command renders cell values like “134500.07”.
Please find more information about formatting numeric values in grid here dhtmlx.com/dhxdocs/doku.php?id=d … mberformat
mygrid.setColTypes ( “ro, txt, ed, ed, edn, edn, ed”);
You are using incorrect syntax of the command - white-spaces between parameter are not necessary and may break further processing.
mygrid.setColTypes ( “ro, txt, ed, ed, edn, edn, ed”); //incorrect
mygrid.setColTypes ( “ro,txt,ed,ed,edn,edn,ed”); //correct