I have a grid with a price column and a header #numeric_filter. Some of the prices are greater than 1000 and display with commas (e.g. $17,236.00). If I enter a filter for prices (e.g. “> 100”) then any amounts with commas don’t appear in the grid. It seems that any filtering of prices eliminates the values greater than 1000.
Filter value > 1000 requires numeric data as the value. Probably, $17,236.00 is just a string.
Try to use edn-based excells in order to set numeric data as a real value and show the formatted value in grid. Format can be set using setNumberFormat method (only PRO edition). Please, see the sample in your package dhtmlxGrid/samples/cell_types/pro_excells_numberformat.html (or dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxG … ormat.html )
Thank you. I figured out that the problem was caused by the server script formatting the data with commas. I guess that caused the grid to treat the data as a string even though it was specified as a numeric column. I removed the comma formatting from the server script and this fixed the problem.
I removed the comma formatting from the server script
You can define column as ron or edn and assign necessary format by setNumberFormat ( it will not affect numeric filtering )
dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxG … ormatcells