To specify the sorting for numeric fields, we are using the following line of code:
Affich� le
(Plz find attached sample html, EnglishNumerics.html for more details)
This is working fine for english locale when I specify the format (0,000.00)…But for french locale when I am specifing the format
(0 000,00), it’s not working (space as group separator and “,” as decimal separator). (FrenchNumerics.html attached)
I know there is an altenative, grid.setNumberFormat(mask, cInd, p_sep, d_sep) to do this, but as we need to generate these columns dynamically, our indexes are not fixed & also we can not calculate the total number of columns beforehand. so is there a way to specify the decimal separator & group separator in
Unfortunately FrenchNumerics.html file is not attached. Can you please re-send it. Also please provide example of grid initialization. Please send this information directly to the