Numeric sorting not working


To specify the sorting for numeric fields, we are using the following line of code:

Affich� le (Plz find attached sample html, EnglishNumerics.html for more details)

This is working fine for english locale when I specify the format (0,000.00)…But for french locale when I am specifing the format

(0 000,00), it’s not working (space as group separator and “,” as decimal separator). (FrenchNumerics.html attached)

I know there is an altenative, grid.setNumberFormat(mask, cInd, p_sep, d_sep) to do this, but as we need to generate these columns dynamically, our indexes are not fixed & also we can not calculate the total number of columns beforehand. so is there a way to specify the decimal separator & group separator in itself as properties like format, type etc.



Unfortunately FrenchNumerics.html file is not attached. Can you please re-send it. Also please provide example of grid initialization. Please send this information directly to the

Kindly find requested FrenchNumerics.html for ur reference & let me know if you need anything else…
Number (394 KB)

It not possible to define localized version of formatting through format attribute, but still can be done from html as

<table style=“width:800px;” class=“dhtmlXGrid” imgpath=“dhtmlxGrid/codebase/imgs/” name=“pressRoomGridBox” gridWidth=“800px” id=“pressRoomGridBox” onbeforeinit=“pressRoomGridBox.setNumberFormat(‘0,000.00’,0,’,’,’.’)”>

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