Object is null or undefined when unload a form


I am using dhtmlxForm with a calendar. When I unload the form I get the error “Object is null or undefined”
Modifying sample 06_unload by adding a calendar will also fail.

			var formData = [
				{type: "settings", position: "label-left", labelWidth: 100, inputWidth: 120},
				{type: "input", label: "Login", value: "login"},
				{type: "password", label: "Password", value: "123"},
				{type: "checkbox", label: "Remember me", checked: true},
				{type: "calendar", label: "Date", dateFormat: "%Y-%m-%d", value:"2012.06.11"}

Once the error has happened you cannot re-init the form.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem.

Many Thanks



Please provide completed demo including all js/css files or direct link


The attached zip has all the files that are required. Just run the .html , click unload and the error will happen. I have a try/catch around the unload.

Many Thanks

Sample Project.zip (91.6 KB)

Replase attached files to avoid this issue:
f.zip (317 KB)

Thank you, that has fixed the problem.