I’ve noticed everytime I start a dhtmlx window which opens a local url site, the main browser’s scrollbar disappears. The entire browser screen seems to blink as the window opens before the scrollbar disappears.
I’ve set the window display area div height/width style to 100% so windows can be be displayed anywhere on the page.
I’m using Firefox 3.6.23
How do I keep new dhtmlx windows from making the scrollbar disappear so I don’t have to reload the entire page to get it back?
I’ve found it works okay if I add an id to a dedicated column (
) in a full screen (100% width/height) table (0 colspan/cellpadding/borders) with valign set to top on the table/column. My only issue is that dhtmlx windows don’t maximize to the browser size, only the table size. So if the table is holding contents greater than the browser’s current size, dhtmlx windows maximize beyond the browser’s size to fit the size of the window, meaning I have to browser scroll to see the full dhtmlx window.
I found I can use AutoViewport but I think it’s kinda buggy. When I maximize the window, it resizes with the browser fine, until I maximize the width, and then maximize it again. It seems the dhtmlx window resizes to fit the browser width once, but then it stops. Only when I resize the browser from the corner in an x/y direction does the dhtmlx window resize itself to fit the browser. The issue is similar to the one I’d brought up before with the layout resizing problems described in this post: http://forum.dhtmlx.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=16932
On that one you provided me with a working code module. Do you have one you can provide for this dhtmlx window resizing issue? It would be much appreciated.
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