onclick "Processing ... " message during cell edit.

I would like to display a “Processing” message between editor stage 1 (opened) and stage 2 (closed) when adding/moving rows in a TreeGrid. The desired add/move action is triggered by clicking the   appropriate image in adjoining cells, with the “Processing” message replaced with a “Edited” msg at the end of stage 2. The message is displayed by changing the display style and text content of a DIV in pre-existing markup positioned immediately above the grid.

The “Processing” message fails to appear. If a breakpoint is used to stop execution at the end of stage 1, the message is clearly visible, eventually being replaced as expected. It appears any changes to markup made between the click event and start of edit do not appear until the cell editor has ended. How can I make this work?

I am using version 1.2 of the Grid and TreeGrid.

It appears any changes to markup made between the click event and start of edit do not appear
The edit operation in grid doesn’t stop any other functionality on page , so updates must be visible, most probably some other logic in your code hide such message.
Please try to use next code

    if (stage==1)
    else if (stage==2)

    return true;

If problem still occurs for you - please send any kind of sample where problem can be reconstructed.

The browser seems to be the culprit. A few milliseconds delay (I used 100) using window.setTimeout() immediately before “editor open” (stage 1) made it work in FF. The message must be set before the delay. I have not tested in other browsers.