Start and end date defined in our database without time (time always set to 0:00), for example, JSOn object looks like the following
model = [ { id: 1, start_date: “2011-7-1 0:00”, end_date: “2011-7-1 0:00”, text: “Event 1” },
{ id: 2, start_date: “2011-7-2 0:00”, end_date: “2011-7-2 0:00”, text: “Event 2” }
When parsing the model, one day event without start and end time (time set to 0:00) don’t show in the month view, whereas multi day events display correctly in month view even though they don’t have time set on them too. Note: both show up fine in the list view.
Is there a setting I can use to ignore time in start and end date?
Yes that is true because the event is one day event so it starts and ends on the same day, if I set the time, it will show up in the calendar but unfortunately events in the database don’t have start and end time. I have an idea, I can dd start and end time from the code but I don’t want that time to be displayed in the detail view, is there a way to hide the time?