onEditCell event overrides onCheck event

I am using checkboxes and normal text cells on my grid.

First I tested checkboxes with mygrid.attachEvent(“onCheckbox”,doOnCheck); and checkboxes worked fine.

Then I tested text edit cells with mygrid.attachEvent(“onEditCell”,doOnCellEdit); and edit mode worked fine.

But when I try to test the checkboxes again I got no answer from my doOnCheck function. Instead, I got answer from doOnCellEdit function. I know that because I got answer from doOnCellEdit on stage 0, but got no value of whether is checked or not.

If I comment the line mygrid.attachEvent(“onEditCell”,doOnCellEdit); everything works fine again with my checkboxes…

I understand that checkboxes are also liked with that event, but why is this happening?

Thanks in advance!

onEditCell event occurs each time when cell switched to edit state, checkbox|radio state changing generate normal edit events as well. In same time it doesn’t override onCheckbox event ( both event will be fired when checkbox state changed )

>>If I comment the line mygrid.attachEvent(“onEditCell”,doOnCellEdit); everything works fine again with my checkboxes…

Please be sure that all code paths in doOnEditCell ends with
    return true;
onEditCell is blockable event, which means that returning non-true value from it will block edit operation ( which will stop checkbox state changing and firing of second event )

Ok, I am going to make sure that all my functions attached to blockable events return true.

Thank you!

Thanks “Support”, I solved my issue, it was really a “return true” missing on the if cycle I had