onSelectOption in Ribbon

Starnge effect.

A ribbon with div. blocks. In one of them 3 buttonCombo object exists with an attached event “onSelectOption”.

But the event fires not everytime. Sometime I need to select 2 times a option from the buttomCombo. So select a option - no event fires, Reselect option event fires.

Using V4.6 pro, FF or Chrome latest versions


Could you please provide us complete demo including all correspondnig js/css files?
Please also add information regarding current and expected behaviour.

Here is a small guide how to make a complete demo:
docs.dhtmlx.com/tutorials__auxil … pport.html

Please send your demo to support@dhtmlx.com

Demo created and send to support…


Got your demo. Please add the following right after dhtmlx.js loaded (for example after dhtmlx.skin = “dhx_web” in provided demo):

dhtmlXRibbon.prototype.items.buttonCombo.setValue = function(item, value, callEvent) { if (item.combo instanceof window.dhtmlXCombo) { item.conf.callEvent = callEvent; item.combo.setComboValue(value); item.conf.callEvent = true; } };

Regarding filtering mode:


And there is one more issue in a combo should be fixed (you probably will confused by combo behaviour after enabling filtering mode, so if yes - please send used dhtmlxSuite.zip to support, I will add a fix, recompile and send back to you).

Still not working - sometime the event fires sometime not.

I will prepare a new demo.

Filter on Combobox works. I request by sales the link to download V4.6.1 (I got it but can´t find).

If I have I will send you these version to add your final changes. Will your change be in in comming version I do I need to add it each time manually??


  1. regarding combo in a ribbon - fix works fine localy with your demo. please try to clear your browser cache.
  2. regarding 4.6.1, please open ticket in a support I will attach updated 4.6.1. fixes will included into future updates.


  1. -> yes you are right - my fault - works fine
  2. -> I download my suite V4.6.1 pro and send it to support