it seem onXLE does not woking in Chrome
i need to close the progress window once the grid has finish loading
the same code work perfectly in FireFox
also few other attach event also not working in Chrome
var int=self.setTimeout(“checkLockTimeOut()”,(28601000));
i added this line of code before mygrid.loadXML
i have pro license
using ver 3
i apologize if the problem description is not clear not sure how to explain it but the main point is
attach event onXLE not working in chrome
Here is the example of visual notification (using onXLE event), please have a look at it.
If issue still occurs for you - please provide any kind of sample or demo link to reconstruct the issue.
i think you forgot to paste the code segment or address link for the example because i cannot see any.
still the question arise why does it work in FireFox but not in Chrome?
you claim the library work on both browser
and if i may suggest something please provide in you documentation feature/function that are not to be use together with that feature/function.
it happen to me i cannot use enableRowspan and smartrendering spend hour to figure out what i did wrong.
ok after playing enable and disabling my code
it just as i suspected the use of splitAt
that cause this problem in chrome once i disabled the use of splitAt
the onXLE event execute the script once the xml finish loading
i really need the splitAt to work
here are my code
var mygrid;
mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject(‘gridbox’);
mygrid.setImagePath(‘DHTMLX/ver26/imgs/’); mygrid.setHeader(<%=SupplierSpecificationGridBuilder.getGridHeader(supplierspecdao,supplierList)%>);