OptionsConnector afeter Insert

When I load the scheduler the OptionsConnector it work perfect it retrieve the correct information, but when I insert/update an event the OptionsConnector dont retrieve the information again.

How I can use “set_options” when the event is update/insert to retrieve the last information of my db to client-side?

Now I have this:

$scheduler = new SchedulerConnector($res, $dbtype);

$c = new OptionsConnector($res, $dbtype);

$sqlC = "SELECT * FROM `crono` as cc INNER JOIN con as c ON cc.id_c=c.id_c";

$scheduler->set_options("c", $c);


It work only one time - when the scheduler is load for fist time.

It is the expected scenario.

During data saving, data saved only in the main event’s table (crono)
Data from options table is not modified in any way.
Also, the response of the connector, for data saving operations, contains only confirmation of data saving. Connector doesn’t reload data of event after saving.

Thanks for answer.
Is there any way to get the data when the schedule starts and when any action is performed on it?

There are events
docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api__r … vents.html

You can attach your own code and issues any custom call to serverside.
By the way, connector also has events, so you can customize the server side reaction as well

docs.dhtmlx.com/connector__php__ … dling.html