is it possible to use Gantt chart for ORACLE APEX?
Did somebody do that?
Thank you
is it possible to use Gantt chart for ORACLE APEX?
Did somebody do that?
Thank you
Yep, it must be possible. You need to form the data feed ( xml or json ) by APEX code and use the related url as parameter for load command of grid.
Any platform that can generate json data can be used as backend for the gantt. And as far as I can see - ANY server side platform can do so.
Thank you!
can I ask how to use the gantt in apex?
Thank you
Can you tell me how to use gantt chart for oracle apex??
Hi Penny,
check here:
Best regards,
Thank you, you gave me the link to the plug-in inside I also have to use, but I want to use this platform plug-in in oracle apex, because it is similar to my project.