By default, the dhtmlxgridcell has a tooltip that displays the text content inside the cell. I want to be able to over-ride this , to provide my own custom tooltip, dynamically.
I have tried doing var gridCell = grid.cells(rowId, colIndex);
gridCell.cell.title = "Custom title";
But the this doesn’t take effect. The tooltip behaviour is still as usual, showing the text content of the cell.
Hi Olga,
Thanks a lot. It worked.
I am trying to understand , why it didn’t succeed using the el.title way.
Also, is there any documentation available of all these API methods being used. I find the documentation available on the site to be insufficient.
I am trying to understand , why it didn’t succeed using the el.title way.
Grid generates its own tooltip values, which are resetting default ones.
You can still use custom tooltips , for that you need to block default mouseover reaction as