Overriding edit behavior and adding fields to event text

Hello, I’ve been having good luck customizing dhtmlxScheduler but have run into two problems that I haven’t been able to work out with the samples, searching the forum or experimenting:

  1. I’d like to override the “edit” behavior such that the calendar view only opens the “edit event details” layer and does not allow direct editing of the event name. (i.e. clicking the pencil icon, double clicking on an event, and clicking on the edit event details icon all do the same thing - go to the edit event details view)

  2. I’d like to add text to the event name being displayed using values from custom detail form fields I’ve added. This is similar to the sample that shows the addition of a “description” text, but I can’t seem to get any value other than undefined.

Can anyone please point me in the right direction on these? Thanks in advance.


  1. I’d like to override the “edit” behavior

“edit” icon can be removed from the toolbar
docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … tion_menus

Also, scheduler.config.details_on_create and scheduler.config.details_on_dblclick can be used.

  1. I’d like to add text to the event name being displayed
    to get any value other than undefined.

Doublecheck that

a) server side code outputs all those fields
b) you are using exactly the same case of letters in field name on both server and client side