pagination in dthmlxgrid


I have taken viewsource coding of the paging with 50,000 records in grid with pagination. but unable to understand the line mygrid.bD(“50000_load_grid.php?un=”+Date.parse(new Date()));kg(true)};

1. here, .bD means .Searched bD function . but unable to get tht function.

2. mygrid.lL(true,50,10,“pagingArea”,true,“infoArea”); here .IL etc

can u please explain me how to implement pagination for 500000 records in a grid . if you have any sample codings please send me. Currently i am doing in jsp.

Waiting for the reply.

Please use the same sample in downloadable package, it contains full not compressed code.

>>1. here, .bD means .Searched bD function . but unable to get tht function.
mygrid.loadXML(“50000_load_grid.php?un=”+Date.parse(new Date()));

>>mygrid.lL(true,50,10,“pagingArea”,true,“infoArea”); here .IL etc

>> please explain me how to implement pagination for 500000 records in a grid
In js code you need to add call for enablePaging, this is only requirement.
Details for server side code implementation can be checked here … bs_biggrid