My webpage has a dhtmlxgrid , that is populated with data that is fetched from a separate independent service API call(using dwr). This data fetched from the server is then populated on to the grid using the grid API, grid.parse(gridData, “jsarray”);
Now, I also need to implement paging on my grid, due to the huge volume of data. How do i page a grid that is already loaded with data , in the aforesaid manner? I tried using the technique mentioned in the documentation, using grid.enablePaging. However, it does not work in the way expected. Is it because all data is initially loaded into the grid ? Does paging only work with the grid being loaded by grid.loadXML ?
And moreover , the client side render time of the rows on the grid has increased , much to my surprise. My primary motive was to page the data on the grid, so that the grid renders the initial number of rows, and the remaining rows are rendered as and when their page is accessed, thereby reducing render time on grid.
Please help.