Paging translate

Is it possible to dynamically translate the paging skin for a multi-language site ?
Thanks in advance

OK, I found it :

grid.i18n.paging={ results:"Results", records:"Records from ", to:" to ", page:"Page ", perpage:"rows per page", first:"To first Page", previous:"Previous Page", found:"Found records", next:"Next Page", last:"To last Page", of:" of ", notfound:"No Records Found" }

intersted to know, how do you write the translated expression along with that ?

You need to update the pager view and all changes will be applied.
For example, you may change page:

grid.i18n.paging={ results:"Results", records:"Records from ", to:" to ", page:"Page ", perpage:"rows per page", first:"To first Page", previous:"Previous Page", found:"Found records", next:"Next Page", last:"To last Page", of:" of ", notfound:"No Records Found" } grid.changePage(0);