Parent Child view of the resources in scheduler

Is it possible to get a parent child view of the resources where i can book an event for the parent and same applies to child. OR i can create only for the child. Something like in this line (i attached an image too here) where “Auditorium D” has two components inside and an independent booking can be made for Auditorium D and independent can be created for “Room D1 and D2”

Please let me know if it is possible with DHTMLX Scheduler and please guide me with a sample


yes, it is possible. Please check Tree mode in Timeline view: … #viewmodes

Sample: … _tree.html

Hi Polina,
The sample you mentioned is grouping the resources and i am looking for parent and child relationship. I see we cannot create an event against the parent. Is there a way we can create an event against a resource as mentioned in the question and the screenshot image i provided in the post. Please let me know.


Is there a way we can create an event against a resource as mentioned in the question and the screenshot image i provided in the post.

Unfortunately no.
As for the parent and child relationship, possibly it makes sense to use dhtmlx Gantt instead of Scheduler.