Parse XML with by multiple resource

I was creating a project with Gantt, and in my project I need to sync any resources in one task, but i dont know how to create the file XML for read the resource.
I saw the samples and I was follow the example but the resources is in JSON and I want to use in XML.

How can I to create a file with XML?
I am using link to, and with link I using like that

<coll_options for="links"> ... </coll_options>

But the resources I don’t know how to use

Unfortunately, Gantt currently doesn’t have the ability to serialize resources into XML. However, you can generate the XML manually. Something like this:

function serializeDataToXML() {
    let serializedXmlData = '<data>';
    serializedXmlData += serializeDataEntityToXML('task');
    serializedXmlData += serializeDataEntityToXML('link');
    serializedXmlData += serializeDataEntityToXML('resource');
    serializedXmlData += '</data>';


function serializeDataEntityToXML(entityType) {
    const entityStore = gantt.getDatastore(entityType);
    let serializedData = '';

    if (entityType !== 'task') {
        serializedData += `<coll_options for='${entityType}s'>`;

    entityStore.eachItem((item) => {
        serializedData += `<${entityType === 'task' ? entityType : 'item'}`;

        let taskTextValue = '';

        for (const property in item) {
            if (item.hasOwnProperty(property) && !property.startsWith('$')) {
                let value = item[property];

                if (value instanceof Date) {
                    const formatFunc ='%d-%m-%Y %H:%i');
                    value = formatFunc(value);

                if (entityType === 'task' && property === 'text') {
                    taskTextValue = value;
                } else {
                    serializedData += ` ${property}='${value}'`;

        if (entityType === 'task') {
            serializedData += `><![CDATA[${taskTextValue}]]></${entityType}>`;
        } else {
            serializedData += ' />';

    if (entityType !== 'task') {
        serializedData += '</coll_options>';

    return serializedData;

I’ve added button for calling the function:

<div class="gantt_control">
    <input type='button' value='Serialize tasks, links and resources data' onclick='serializeDataToXML()'>

Here is an example: DHTMLX Snippet Tool

It generates the fallowing XML structure:

const xmlData = `
        <task id='1' type='project' start_date='03-04-2023 00:00' duration='27' parent='0' progress='0.4' owner_id='5' end_date='30-04-2023 00:00'><![CDATA[Office itinerancy]]></task>
        <coll_options for='links'>
            <item id='16' source='17' target='25' type='0' />
        <coll_options for='resources'>
            <item id='8' text='Anna' parent='2' owner_id='2' open='true' />

You can upload this data to Gantt like this:

gantt.parse(xmlData, 'xml');

Please see an example: DHTMLX Snippet Tool