passing data to controller


I’m using the javascript version of the scheduler and would like to pass the month and year up to the controller data method so I can limit how many events are coming back…
Is there a way to do this?

Check … _loading&s[]=scheduler&s[]=setLoadMode

In such mode scheduler will include start and end date in the request, which you can use to provide only sub-set of data.

I am using the java script of your scheduler. I would like to pass the month and year to the controller method for retrieving data. Is there anyway I can do this?

thanks that worked. Great!

It worked as I’m getting data but what I get is kind of odd…
The first time I get 2011-12-01 to 2012-03-01
I get this if I specify a date or not in the init function of the scheduler.
Also when I click on the calendar to go to the previous or next month I get dates that are off.
For example I click to go to february 2012 but the dates I get on the method in the controller are march 03 01 2012 to 04 01 2012. I would think that I would get 02 01 2012 to 03 01 2012…


but the dates I get on the method in the controller are march 03 01 2012 to 04 01 2012. I would think that I would get 02 01 2012 to 03 01 2012…

Scheduler will not double requests to the data which already was loaded.
First request have loaded data for jan and feb, so when you see feb view, it requests data for march only ( because in month view there are few march’s days - and scheduler need to know do they have some events or not )

I’m getting dates passed to the controller to retrieve records but the dates are odd… The first time I get 2011-12-01 to 2012-03-01 I get this if I specify a date or not in the init function of the scheduler. Also when I click on the calendar to go to the previous or next month I get dates that are off. For example I click to go to February and I get 2012-03-01 to 2012-04-01