Passing more tree info through CSV?

Is it possible to pass addtional values through CSV to tree objects? I know you can include links with XML, but is it possible with CSV?

For example:

1,0,Fantasy,Go To Fantasy,3,1

2,1,Harry Potter,Go To Harry Potter,4,1

3,2,Spiderwick,Go To Spiderwick,4,0

4,0,Science,Go To Science,3,1

1. I want to include a Hyperlink next to the node Name.

2. I want to change the node icon with a value from the database If the book is a horror book I want a scary icon. If it is science, I want a molecule.

3. I want to show the status of the link based on a value from the database. If the book is checked out, the color of the Name text will be light grey.

I tried this JSArry code: but if I try to change the node name, it save the whole URL in the name table.

tree.loadJSArray([ [id=1,0,“Harry Potter [View Book]”], ])


Any suggestions?

There is no way to provide additional data while loading from CSV , but you can use inline HTML links as
1,0,Go To Fantasy
2,1,Go To Harry Potter
3,2,Go To Spiderwick
4,0,Go To Science

tree will correctly process the HTML tags, and render tree item text as active links.

>> I want to change the node icon with a value from the database
Only possible with XML or JSON formats

>>I want to show the status of the link based on a value from the database.
Can be done , by adding style|class value to inline HTML tags.

The inline HTML link is writing back to the database, where only the name should be.

Is there a way to have the link on the item but only write the TEXT back to the database? 

Is there a way to have the link on the item but only write the TEXT back to the database?
Which functionality of tree you are using to get data back to server?
Technically, if you know format of data, you can use simple regexp on server side to remove any html tags from the data, before saving it back to DB